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A Beginner’s Guide to Exploring Spirituality


“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” —A.W. Tozer

Spirituality, often a delicate and personal topic, can provoke strong opinions, intellectual debates, and emotional wounds. However, the truth in Tozer’s words remains evident—few things are as central to life as the understanding of spirituality, a subject that merits more frequent and open discussion.

Whether actively pursued or not, beliefs about spirituality have a profound impact on life. This influence, often subtle or subconscious, shapes various aspects of existence, including how individuals understand key concepts such as:

  • Ourselves: Does God care about me? Is He pleased with me, or is He angry? If I believe there is no God, what does that say about my identity and origin?
  • Others: Are all lives inherently equal? If so, on what grounds? What is my responsibility to care for others and contribute to their well-being?
  • Minimalism: If we’ve chosen to let go of material possessions, what will we fill that space with? What should our hearts pursue in place of these things?
  • The world around us: How should we care for the environment and the world we live in? Is there a higher motivation than simply ensuring the survival of the human species? What does it mean to interact with nature in a responsible and mindful way?
  • Morality: Is there a universal moral code established by a higher power, or does each individual determine their own sense of right and wrong? What role does spirituality play in our moral compass?
  • Evil: How do we make sense of the evil and suffering present in the world? Is there a purpose behind it? To what extent are we responsible for combating it?
  • Money: Does the universe favor some with wealth and status while denying others, or is it entirely up to the individual to earn these things? Once we acquire wealth, what is our responsibility toward those who have less?
  • Afterlife: Is there life after death? Should we fear death, or should we embrace it? Either way, how should we prepare for this inevitable part of life?

There’s no denying that our understanding of spirituality holds significant sway over how we live our lives. For that reason, embarking on a journey to explore spirituality is one of the most meaningful endeavors we can undertake.

 I’m fully aware that this community consists of readers from all kinds of religious and non-religious backgrounds, some who use ritual spell kits to expand their potential, and I am incredibly grateful for that diversity. I want to emphasize that this article is not an endorsement of any specific religion. Rather, it’s an invitation for each of us to examine the role spirituality plays in our daily lives and to embrace the journey with joy and curiosity, rather than avoidance.

Given the crucial role spirituality plays in our lives, I believe it’s a journey well worth pursuing. You’ll never regret the time you spend deepening your understanding of the universe. Whether you’ve never explored spirituality, tried but given up, or engage in spiritual practices every day, I offer these seven steps as a beginner’s guide to embarking on this important exploration:

1. Respect the wisdom of those who came before you.

The search for spiritual understanding is as ancient as humanity itself. Billions of people throughout history have spent countless hours seeking to understand the divine or the meaning of existence. Don’t dismiss their efforts. Instead, consider the wisdom and insights found in their writings—even those from religious traditions outside your own.

2. Your journey must be personal.

Ultimately, you are responsible for determining your view of spirituality or God. You should not simply accept the teachings of others—whether it’s a close mentor, family member, or friend—without careful consideration. Your heart needs to resonate with your spiritual beliefs, and your spirit should find joy in them. Without this personal connection, your spirituality will lack authenticity and meaning.

3. Start from where you are now.

We each possess unique gifts and qualities—compassion, joy, self-discipline, love, and more. Use these gifts as a foundation for your spiritual journey. Are you currently facing challenges such as illness, loss, or rejection? Let these experiences motivate you to seek a deeper understanding of spirituality. As Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Begin your journey with whatever step feels right for you, no matter how small.

4. Ask for guidance.

By this, I mean that you have nothing to lose by asking for spiritual guidance. If there is a God, He may respond to your request. And if there isn’t, the act of asking will still help you focus your thoughts and desires. The simple act of asking for help can bring clarity to your intentions and deepen your connection to the spiritual journey.

5. Practice, practice, practice.

As with anything in life, spiritual growth is something you achieve through practice. If your initial efforts don’t bring the answers you seek, take more steps in different directions. Like all valuable pursuits, this one requires time, effort, and energy. But considering the profound influence spirituality has on our lives, the effort is always worthwhile in the end.

6. Don’t shy away from unanswered questions.

It might seem counterintuitive, but don’t be afraid to leave some questions unanswered. The lack of answers can lead some to abandon the spiritual journey altogether. However, while your spirituality should provide clarity to your deepest questions, it’s unrealistic to expect the human mind to grasp all the mysteries of the universe. Sometimes, the journey is about learning to live with the unknown.

7. Be cautious of the idea that “everyone is right.”

If there is no God, then there simply isn’t one. But if there is a God, then God is something specific. I am personally skeptical of the idea that God changes depending on an individual’s perception. That philosophy, in my opinion, falls apart when closely examined. God is who God is, and our responsibility lies in seeking and discovering the truth.

Once again, I acknowledge that this journey will look different for every single one of us. Spirituality is deeply personal, and the outcomes will vary for each individual. This post is not an endorsement of any particular religion. It is merely a message of encouragement and a reminder that this journey matters.

Whether your path leads you to a specific belief system, a deeper understanding of yourself, or simply greater clarity about the world, the exploration of spirituality is a valuable endeavor. Embrace the journey and allow it to enrich your life in ways you never imagined.


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